"Saverne August 2007 - or again cabin connection canvas good-bye"
Friday afternoon 17.08.2007 I started to Saverne, where a meeting for people more or less crazy as myself was held including the possibility to drive the truck, organized from the web-forum LKW-Allrad-Forum. At Baden-Baden I crossed the border to France, where I met several other trucks coming from southern Germany and I continued with them for the last 70 km to Saverne. In the evening we enjoyed a perfectly grilled young pig (same applied for Saturday), which was kindly organized, & repared from Carsten.
Here some photos from the car park:
Saturday nearly everybody used for driving, the area was modified a little since the last meeting here in 2005.
A photo of the distorsion of Big Foot, if this caused the damage of the cabin connection canvas - no idea.
But there was definetely no space betweem the fender and the cabin!!
And here the result:
Was I appreciated very much: The generator (pls. refer to here) did not tuch any of the ramps and the space between the housing and the cabin was sufficient enough, although of the extreme torsion!
Hans with his family in their Magirus:
Saturday as already
mentioned again grilled pig from the grill plus onion soup from Ulf, .... plus
additional 10
more litre from Marcus - also delicious and luckily no explosions in the night.! :-)
Who wanted to do so had the chance for some more tests in the terrain. I already started with Christian at 15:00h back home. For me it was more important to meet the people, most of them I had met already several time and so we had enough to talk (and to drink!). Thanks to all of you!
Here is one more page with all the people who joined plus their trucks - sorry, only in German - so who is interested in that please click here!