"Long Weekend May 2009"
Before I start to report about the tour I want to show a phot of the previous weekend. The weather was warm and sunny, so why not blow up the swimming basin and enjoy the refreshment:
(OK, the real purpose was to find the leakage in the front wheel. This made it much easier to find the steel pin which had damaged the tire and made the speeded up the repair.)
Marcus & his wife plus the Wilmaaa - one of the admins of the forum had invited to the birthday of Andrea to Hetzbach in Odenwald. The amount of people was even bigger as in 2008. One of my highlights was the starter, approximately 150 top-quality oysters, which Werner and his wife had kindly brought directly from France.
I assume that the "truck-parade“ had impressed the nighbours even more than last year.
At Marcus' house - a former train station - was even though the big amount of trucks still space available.
And of course there was enough space for the people.
Uli prepared two small pigs on an open fire whichwere really delicious..
Next morning nobody had a hangover.
Thanks to Wilmaaa for the invitation and of course to Marcus and wife for the hospitality. More pictures are available here.
Same as last year I drove from EHtzbach at 01. May direction home but nly till Bodenheim at the Rhein. Here was another come-together which Heidi and Wolfgang are organising since a long time - thanks for your energy! Lots of "old mates" and new people gave a really great atmosphere. Ralf and his friedn offered a first aid course.
Nick invited to a nice asperagus meal:
As everybody knows there is just sunshine in Bodenheim, so we were able to enjoy a really strange weather phenomenon in the afternoon, unexperienced people could have come to the conclusion that it is rain. People who had sufficient space underneath their camper vans were in a lucky situation.
In the evening people were enjoying the company:
Next day (saturday) Stefan and Picco made seminar about plastic welding including hands on with PE samples.
As well in Bodenheim the amount of people and cars was bigger as on the previous meetings.
In the afternoon the preparations for the common dinner started:
In huge pots Chili con Carne was cooked.
Many had brought along in addition various salads, deserts, cakes etc. so that nobody had to suffer from hunger. And for those who were again hungry in the evening Cervelat-sausages were availabel. The pinapple punch with red-wine was a speciality!! J
Later in the evening we watched several presentations about interesting journeys, here Stefan about his Albania-Tour.
Thanks to everybody and mainly to the people mentioned before for their efforts – I am looking forward to the next event ... . |
Stand: 24. September 2010 |