"Meeting in "Franken" 02. – 05.10.2008"
Christoph had again invited and /nearly) everyone came! At 2nd October Uli (Vario) with his son plus Hans-Josef (HJM) with family and me drove together to Gollhofen. Unfortunately autumn holidays had started and so we wasted several hours in traffic jams and arrived in the dark. So I just had a quick snack, said "Hello" plus a short talk at the camp fire before I went for an early night.
Next morning we had due to perfect organisation delicious rolls and afterwards I headed for the off-road terrain.
This caused extreme twist in the chassis.
The ground was out of clay and wet, so due to my street type trailer tires the possibilities for me to drive were limited. Here I tried to get up but although all locks were in the wheels were turnning wild and I had to give up.
Some had brought their "fun-Cars" along.
For this truck the terrain wasn't a problem!
So I returned earlier than expected to the camp.
The number of participants was impressive, as far as I know round about 100 people and lots of vehicles.
At 3rd in the evening Bärbel prepared "Langosch",
which found great response.
Just before Lakto and his wife showed their pictures of their journey to Romania I enjoyed a delicoius stew at the "Franken Gang"! :-)
I stayed up quite long, before I went to bed at 01:00h and some stayed even longer although it was cold. Nevertheless nearly everybody was fit next morning.
And here some impressionen of the "camp".
The impression caused by "Iceman" Nick is miss-guiding! Except him everybody had at least long trousers, Fleece-Pullover, if not in addition a warm jacket!
Two very well done vehicles!
As well a beauty ...
Some more overviews:
As I said ealier, the pic of Nick is mis-guiding, most of us were happy to be next to an open fire..
Nick demonstrated on Saturday 04th around lunchtime how to (dis)-mount a tire from a circlip rim:
Because I had been away most of the previous weekends I returend with Uli at lunchtime back home. It was a well-organized event, it was great to meet lots of old friends and to find new ones. Thanks to the organisation team and those who gave their input, if possible by any means I will be back again next year!.