Big Foot 22 Besucher/Visitors

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The come together ("Leerkabinenforum") of the people who build their own campers was as interesting as last year Thanks to Wolfgang for the organisation and to all the others for the interesting demonstrations of their work.

I have attached some pictures of it. The quality is not the best one because I took the pictures with the photo-cellphone from my son. In case I will receive some better qualitiy pictures from other people I will attach those soon. Who does not want that I publish a photo on which he may be visible please send a short note!:


Dieter and his family having breakfast in front of their finshed camper. The black truck in the rear has a fantastic painting which unfortunately can't be seen because of the poor quality of the camera. It was a former event truck from Fulda tires and inside the owner still have a lot of work before it will be finsihed.



Walter joined again together with his son and the girlfriend of him. First boards and the kitchen are ready now. Go ahead!!

Many of the camper had a double cabine.



Next to it was Frebeka and the blue truck was empty except a bed.



As well some "normal" camper joined. Many of them were well know old members of the Leerkabinen-Forum.



Campers which havn't even been started to be equipped, completely own built cabines up to high-end campers such as the Saurer from the Parapanters from Switzerland you could see everything.



Stefan and his family having breakfast in front of their former coach.

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Stand: 24. September 2010